In California for several weeks, I decided to conduct my own experiment in kindness and gratitude. To apply the Law of Attraction based on the principle that you attract what you put out.
The United States is not really known for great service to travellers, you see, unless you count instances where tipping is involved. So I decided to see for myself whether this situation can be changed simply by initiating the change itself.
Experiment in kindness and gratitude
My experiment was simple. I made the conscious decision to be nice and grateful to every stranger I came into contact with during my holiday in California. These included employees of hotels, waitstaff at restaurants, and airline personnel. And also staff at rental car agencies, stores, and other places I went to.
I smiled at everyone regardless of their initial attitude towards me. Then I kept the tone of my voice cheerful and happy no matter what. I said thank you for every small thing, and of course for the big things. And each time I smiled or said thank you, I really meant it.
Basically, I wanted to see for myself what would happen if I initiated the kindness instead of just expecting to be the recipient of it.
The result of kindness and gratitude in California
The results of this three-week experiment in California were actually astonishing. It proved to me that people do get what they expect and that the energy that one gives out is so important to determining the outcome of one’s life. Basically it’s the Law of Attraction at work.
Mind you, I am always a positive person and I think I’m very much on the nice side. However, this time, I went beyond a regular kind of nice to see what would happen.
How to turn your life around with energy
I had the most amazing experiences. I got everything I wanted in three weeks of traveling around California, even when the odds were not in my favour. In many cases, I effortlessly turned situations in my favour just by being a kind and grateful person.
Getting everything I wanted at a luxury hotel
For example, during a stay in one very expensive hotel, I asked about two in-room amenities. One of the things I wanted was complimentary and the other was available for a fee. I decided to just ask for the complimentary amenity with a grateful heart and a word of thanks.
That same afternoon, to my surprise, the fee-based amenity was delivered to my room. The lady at the front desk said: “We couldn’t find the complimentary amenity so we’ve decided to just send you the other one.”
How lucky, I thought. And again, I thanked her for this. About two hours later, the complimentary amenity arrived. The lady at the front desk rang up and said: “We found the amenity. So you can have both with our compliments.”
Lucky everyday
This kind of situation happened every day. Just by being nice, I even got things I never asked for. People went out of their way to do kind gestures for me in every single place, and every single day. In some cases, the stranger I was dealing with was in a bad mood or didn’t even say hello. But this quickly changed with a smile, a greeting and a word of thanks from me.
Lessons about the law of attraction
What did this teach me? You can change the outcome of your daily life just by being kind and grateful whenever possible. This can happen regardless of how the other person is acting towards you. In this case, everything literally went my way on this trip.
And, in the end, all these nice days add up to having a pretty incredibly nice life. It’s such a simple thing to do but it makes such a big difference. I proved this to myself on this holiday in California, living a Travelife.
Read more articles on The Law of Attraction and traveling in California in Travelife Magazine.