One summer in Germany, living a #Travelife, we drove deep into the Black Forest to stay at the famous Traube Tonbach and to have dinner at its equally famous Michelin three-star restaurant Schwarzwaldstube. The legendary Schwarzwaldstube was considered by many to be Germany’s best restaurant.
Unfortunately, this restaurants burned down last January. So all I can do is write about my memories.
There are a handful of Michelin three-star restaurants in Germany, of course, but Schwarzwaldstube enjoyed this accolade of three stars for over 25 years in a row — until it burned down.
This was certainly no mean feat to undertake for this long a level of culinary excellence worthy of the three stars dished out by pretty unforgiving Michelin restaurant inspectors. Schwarzaldstube did this four whole days a week, as it was open from Wednesday to Saturday, for lunch and dinner.
As one very serious German foodie says: “Schwarzwaldstube is not some flash in the pan, unlike some restaurants that might rise so high so suddenly, stay a few years and then drop down to earth. For a chef to stay in the heavens for 22 years takes a talent close to genius.”
Snagging a dinner reservation here typically takes about one year in terms of waiting time. However I was told that lunch reservations are easier to get so if you have a trip to the Black Forest planned sometime and are unable to get a table for dinner at Schwarzwaldstube, you might try lunch especially as the views from this restaurant are just wonderful in the daytime.
As for us, we were lucky to have some well-connected friends who got us the best table in the restaurant for dinner at short notice.
The other nice thing about having a meal at Schwarzwaldstube is that you can stay over Traube Tonbach, the hotel that houses it and that has been in the same family for eight generations, since 1789.
The current owners of Schwarzwaldstube are a really nice and hardworking family over two generations, and we were lucky to meet them in the course of our stay, dining in two of their restaurants.
Traube Tonbach has its original traditional wing and the new and very modern wing. We chose to stay in the corner suite of the new wing as this is adjacent to the restaurant itself via an enclosed glass corridor. So you can dress up nicely for your meal as Schwarzwaldstube is the kind of restaurant you can dress up for if you so wish, and you need not expose yourself to the elements by walking outside.
Yes, at Schwarzwaldstube, you can dress up or dress casually, and neither would look terribly out of place — although I personally think you should look very chic if you’re doing casual as many of the other guests are in semi-long dresses and have obviously brought a piece or two from the family jewels.
Every table was booked on our evening there and we were lucky to get the best table in the house at Schwarzwaldstube. This is the only corner table for four that offers panoramic views of the Black Forest outside along with an equally panoramic view of the intrinsically decorated restaurant inside.
When we dined here, Chef Harald Wohlfahrt, who was with the Schwarzwaldstube for over 40 years, was still running the kitchen. How luck we were to taste his three-star cooking. Under his rigid watch, Schwarzwaldstube kept its long-running three-star status.
He created beautiful classic dishes with a modern twist and a very controlled hand. It was very much traditional cooking with a touch of nouvelle cuisine to me, rather than the experimental blow-me-away dining experience so in vogue in some other top restaurants.
So guests sat through a four- or five-hour meal here and really felt like they had eaten — and eaten well. It’s not like at some other famous restaurants where you feel you”ve just sat through some kind of food experiment.
Apart from the usual amuse bouche and appetizers, I had two courses of fish and then lamb as main course, followed by a cheese plate and a chocolate dessert. Everything was just wonderful, and we had our meal with some local wines the sommelier recommended plus a bottle of Hermitage of quite a rare vintage that we’d specifically brought with us from Asia for the meal.
We’d also started off the evening with champagne on the terrace of our suite, as it was such a fine evening and dear friends had driven up from Baden Baden to join us for dinner.
Our waitstaff kept us entertained all evening as well with wonderful stories and interesting tidbits about the restaurant, the chef and the meal we were having. None of the typical formality of three-star restaurants here, at this lovely outpost of fine dining in the Black Forest, where I was happily living a #Travelife.